Hi! I’m Rita.

I’m a Brooklyn-based designer who loves to write creative briefs; organize and work within multi-disciplinary teams; and champion bold and innovative ideas.

I thrive on diverse teams while working in designer-director roles and have been described as “a highly adept systems thinker, with the heart of an artist.”

Most recently, I’ve focused my career on:

→ supporting creatives with the vision, strategy and tools to make their best work while maintaining the highest standards of quality; and

︎︎︎→ using my expertise in brand and product design to build a new discipline on Dropbox’s brand studio team—bridging gaps between teams, disciplines, and ultimately, the customer journey.

My experience has helped me lead teams through complex and multi-phase initiatives, breaking down organizational silos and creating institutional transformation.

Outside of work, I’m a yogini, gardener and amateur herbalist.
©Rita Troyer, All Rights Reserved